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Toxicity (parody of System of a Down tune of the same name)
By TuggerJo



Restoration, tugger version 7.0
Looking at life through the eyes of an innocent baby...
Eating skins is a pastime activity
The toxicity of our city, of our city
Conversion, software version 7.0
Looking at life through the eyes of a tired hub
Eating seeds as a pastime activity
The toxicity of our city, of our city
No! what do you own the world?
How do you own our foreskins, our foreskins
Now somewhere between the sacred silence
Sacred silence and sleep
Somewhere, between the sacred silence and sleep
Disorder, disorder, disorder
Now, what do you own the world?
How do you own disorder, disorder
Now somewhere between the sacred silence
Sacred silence and sleep
Somewhere, between the sacred silence and sleep
Disorder, disorder, disorder
More skin for the mohels, crazy people
Flashbacks and memories caught in the highlights of my mind
Eating skins is a pastime activity
The toxicity of our city, our city
More wood for the fires, loud neighbours
Flishlight riveries caught in the headlights of a truck
Now, what do you own the world?
How do you own disorder, disorder
No! what do you own the world?
How do you own our foreskins, our foreskins
Now somewhere between the sacred silence
Sacred silence and sleep
Somewhere, between the sacred silence and sleep
Disorder, disorder, disorder
Now somewhere between the sacred silence
Sacred silence and sleep
Somewhere between the sacred silence and sleep
Disorder, disorder, disorder
Now, what do you own the world?
How do you own disorder, disorder
No, what do you own the world?
How do you own our foreskins
Now somewhere between the sacred silence
Sacred silence and sleep
Somewhere, between the sacred silence and sleep
Disorder, disorder, disorder
Now somewhere between the sacred silence
Sacred silence and sleep
Somewhere, between the sacred silence and sleep
Disorder, disorder, disorder
When I became the sun
I shone life into the mans'
When I became the sun
I shone life into the mans' hearts
When I became the sun
I shone life into the mans hearts
When I became the sun
I shone life into the mans hearts
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Last modified: August 25, 2012 (back to top)
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