Please return along with your measurements: - - - - - TLC-X Buyer's Declaration Version 2.1 - October 10, 2008 I'd like to buy a TLC-X. I understand that tugging penile skin for foreskin restoration is an activity that requires care. I will stop what I'm doing and seek prompt medical attention if any restoring activity gets uncomfortable. I will get medical advice before starting if I have diabetes, Reynaud’s phenomenon, chronic substance abuse, or any condition that might affect normal circulation or pain sensation. I will use gentle tension, targeting my daytime adjustment so that I can wear the device at least 4 hours comfortably, and my nighttime adjustment so that the device would still be comfortable after 8 hours. I will try any technique with which I wish to sleep before getting into bed - while awake and with an erect penis - since I will most certainly have nocturnal erections in my sleep. While sleeping with a pillow under my knees may help keep me on my back, I will take stock of the sorts of mishaps that could occur if I do flop around in my sleep while wearing a device. I will keep the device clean. I understand the recommended regimen is daily washing with a toothbrush and soap followed by thorough rinsing and patting dry for the Tugger part and the Pusher part. The pusher should stay attached to the Rod if the Pusher is carried into the shower. There is no reason to force water into the threads of the Pusher part. I won’t take the spring, washer, collar, or set screw into the shower. I understand that the TLC-X has unforgiving metal parts. The tugging handle is molded into the main Tugger and tested to resist a pull of 20 pounds, and even though I expect to use only about one pound, if the handle got twisted or torqued and ripped out, its anchor piece could damage my penile skin. The top of the center Rod could hurt my leg if I'm not careful. The threaded bottom of the Rod is pointed right at my glans when in use. (I'll use only fingers, and never use tools to tighten the Rod.) I will inspect the Pusher and Rod regularly and request a replacement if anything looks strange, for example if it appears the flat metal plate molded into the Pusher is tearing the silicone. Even the tugging straps could hurt me, for example if I have a strap stretched and it suddenly slips the clip could strike my eye. Even if I do everything perfectly, unforeseen events like slips and falls could put me in special danger while tugging. Also, I won't leave the small metal parts of this device laying about where pets or toddlers could swallow them. I realize that the device coming off me while in public could cause me embarrassment and perhaps even disqualify me from certain professions. I will take steps to avoid this, but it is a risk I willingly assume. While 1000s of men have found foreskin restoration to be very worthwhile, I realize it is not well studied scientifically. Like many things in life, it is something I undertake even in the face of uncertainty because I think the rewards outweigh my general perception of the risks. I will stay in touch with TLC Tugger ( and the online User Group: ( to be apprised of any newly identified risks. I have read every word of the product description at and viewed the 6-minute TLC-X demo video. When I get the Tugger if I am unsure how to proceed I will ask questions via e-mail (or by calling 847 414-1692 at my expense if necessary) until I am comfortable with the answers, or I will return the device for a refund. I am responsible for my own health, and for my decisions about what activities to engage in with a Tugger on. Nobody at TLC, Inc. is a doctor. This document does not directly affect my legal rights but I am required by, Inc. to read, understand, and submit it if I want to buy and use a TLC-X Tugger for foreskin restoration. Sincerely, (your name) (current date)